Ideas for Spiritual Growth During Social Distancing
I previously sent out a text message asking the Brookhill brethren to tell me what they were doing as individuals and as a family during this time. I ask for some things they were doing to help them spiritually. I asked if they were doing anything new or some old practices more often. Let me share with you the responses I received. The ideas listed may be some things you and your family are already doing. If they are not, you might consider doing them at this time and in the future to help your family’s spiritual growth.
Here are the ideas :
- Reading the Bible daily
- Listening to sermons online from various congregations
- Singing
- Checking on brethren and friends daily, especially those with no family nearby or those with special needs
- Telling others about Brookhill’s webpage and the articles and sermons that are available.
- Doing the Bible articles on our web page
- Reading a book on Bible characters
- Praying more
- Reading inspirational books
- Working on future sermons
- Listening to acapella singing
- Family singings after Wednesday night class and Sunday
May we all remember what God has commanded us to do in II Peter 1: 5-7 “And besides this giving all diligence add to your faith, virtue, knowledge, self control, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and love.”
Why did He command us to add these things to our faith? Verse 8 tells us “for if these things be in you, and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we all take this unusual time in our life to use our time wisely and to use our extra time especially at home to add to our faith spiritual food and drink.