

Glorify God

We sing a song titled, “To God Be the Glory.” For the Christian this should be our goal each and every day. The definition of glorifying is to praise, magnify, and honor. So daily we need to praise, magnify and honor God.

  1. Why should we glorify God? Read I Corinthians 6:20 and Rev 4:11.
  2. How should we glorify God? Read Luke 7:11-18 and Luke 17:11-16 and John 15:8.
    1. By keeping our bodies away from sin. Read I Cor. 6:18-20.
    2. In our everyday lifestyle whether at school, job or home. Read Col 3:17-23.
    3. By believing and obeying the commands of God. Read Acts 13:44-49.
  3. When shall we glorify God? Read I Cor. 10:31 and Psalms 86:12.
  4. The result of Christians glorifying God. Read Matthew 5:16