

Tell the Story of Exodus, Part 4

Following the giving of the Ten Commandments, God gave a number of general laws. For example, if an Israelite purchased a Hebrew servant, the servant was to work _____ years and go free the _____ year. The servant did have the option to stay with his master permanently, at which time the master would take the servant _____.

In chapters 25-31 God gave Moses instructions concerning the building of the tabernacle. If one were to walk into the courtyard of the tabernacle the first object he would encounter would be _____. Next, in front of the tabernacle there would be _____. Entering the tabernacle, the first room is called _____. On the right wall is the _____ and on the left wall is _____. Directly in front of the veil is _____. Beyond the veil is the _____ which the _____ resides. On top of this object is _____ and inside it is _____. Later, two other objects were placed inside, _____ and _____.

Moses was on Mount _____ for _____ days receiving the commandments and the
tabernacle pattern. During this time the people grew restless and _____. When

Moses came down from the mountain and saw this he _____ out of anger. Later, when Moses came down from the mountain the second time, Israel was afraid to come near him because _____. In the New Testament, Paul states that Moses put a _____ so that Israel could not see _____.

The book ends with the completion of the tabernacle at which time the cloud covered the tabernacle and the _____ filled it.