

Where, oh, where?

Where did these events take place?  Match each thing with its location.

  1.  Jesus was born.
  2.  Noah’s ark landed.
  3.  The Israelites wandered for 40 years.
  4.  Plagued with frogs, lice, flies, hail, and other disasters.
  5.  Moses received the Ten Commandments.
  6.  Joshua addressed Israel for the last time.
  7.  Jesus told his disciples about the end times.
  8.  Jesus grew up.
  9.  Jesus rode into the city on a donkey.
  10.  Jonah preached and the people repented.

Word Bank

  1. Bethlehem
  2. Egypt
  3. Jerusalem
  4. Mount Ararat
  5. Mount of Olives
  6. Mount Sinai
  7. Nazareth
  8. Nineveh
  9. Shechem
  10. The Wilderness (Sinai desert)

Answers from July 21st


What does it say?

  1. F

  2. H

  3. D

  4. B

  5. G

  6. E

  7. J

  8. C

  9. I

  10. A