

Proverbs 2 - Read the Chapter


  1. How do you fear the Lord?  What do you need to do? V. 1-5.
  2. What will keep you from the way of evil? V 10-15.
  3. Learn while you are still young to stay away from immoral men and women. How should you do it? V. 16-27.


Answers to Proverbs 1

  1. To know wisdom and instruction and receive understanding so you may be wise
  2. The wise will hear and increase in learning and be wise. The fool will despise wisdom and instruction.
  3. Do not consent and go with them.
  4. If you will not listen, God will give you no help in your troubles because you did not Choose to fear the Lord.
  5. If you listen to God, you will live in safety and peace spiritually and in many ways physically.