

Proverbs 7

  1. What are we to do with God’s words? Read 1-5.
  2. What causes someone to give into an immoral, adulterous woman? V-6-23.
  3. How do you stay away from immoral activities? Read 24-27

Answers to Proverbs 5-6

  1. Lips-drip honey
    1. Mouth-smooth, like oil
    2. Bitter
    3. Feet-go down to death
    4. Steps-lead to hell
    5. Ways-unstable
  2. Remove yourself far from her
  3. Rejoice with them and love them
  4. Poverty
  5. Proud look, lying tongue, murderer, heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run swift to evil, false witnesses who speak lies, one who sows discord amongst the brethren
  6. Reduced to a piece of bread. You will be guilty. Destroy your soul