

Are You Too Busy?

We all seem to be so busy these days. With work taking us to so many places and our children involved in so many activities, we just never seem to stop. The world offers us more and more which also keeps us busy. At home, we have tvs that offer us hundreds and hundreds of shows to watch. We have fast food restaurants at every corner. We are encouraged to watch and play and travel more and more every year. Are we ever going to have time for the most important things in life? Those being God and family.

The Bible tells us in James 4:14 that “Our life is like a vapor that appears for a short time and then vanishes away.” We must make sure we do not crowd out the real and lasting things for those things that are just temporal and fleeting.

Are you too busy for yourself? I don’t mean put yourself first but just take some time to be by yourself. Jesus took time to get away from work and relax. John tells us that Jesus went to a marriage feast. We cannot work all the time. If we do our bodies will suffer. I Cor. 6:19 tells us “Our bodies are the temple of the Lord.” God expects us to take care of ourselves so please don’t be too busy for yourself.

Are you too busy for your family? God expects us to have a job and work and make a living to provide for your family, but when you work all the time and even enjoy your hobby all the time, then you are too busy for your family. Children, don’t you be too busy for your parents. You need to call them and write them and keep in contact with them once you leave home. Eph. 6: 1-2 tells us to “Honor and respect your parents.” May we never be too busy for your families.

Are you too busy for God? We are told in Matt. 6:33 to “Seek first the kingdom of God.” Let’s ask ourselves a few questions to see if we are too busy for God. Do you attend services regularly? Do you pray regularly? Do you read your Bible regularly? Do you tell others about God regularly? If you don’t like your answers, it’s probably because you are too busy. God is never too busy for us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Shame on us when we are too busy for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Matthew 16:26 tells us “What good does it do if you gain the whole world and lose your soul.” May we never be so busy with trivial activities that we lose our soul.

Today, if you are not a Christian, don’t be too busy to repent as a believer and be baptized for the remission of your sins. If you are a Christian and have left the Lord, don’t be too busy to confess your sins to the Lord. Thank you for not being too busy to read this article.