

Harden Not Your Heart

Why is it that some people can take another’s life and it has no effect on them? Why is it that some people can see someone in need of help but refuse to help them? Why is it that some people who have obeyed the gospel, become faithful Christians, but after a while begin to drift away and in some cases totally leave the Lord? Why is it they act this way? The answer is that their hearts are hardened.

To have a hardened heart means that one’s heart cannot be moved by the misfortune of another or even oneself. It means to have no compassion in one’s heart. In this condition one’s heart cannot be moved to do what is right in God’s eyes. In Hebrews 3:7-11, we are told the story of the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness. The story is used as an example for the early christians of how God’s people in past years refuse to listen and obey God’s word. In verse 8 they were told “Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion” as these old testament followers of God did.

What causes someone to have a hardened heart?

  1. They do not listen to God and his word, the Bible. God over and over again reassures the readed that everything will be alright in the end if they will follow Him.
  2. Some get so involved in the world and its activities that they have no time for God. Their love for God and for others is given to their hobbies, jobs, pursuit of wealth and fame. In Matthew 6:19-21, we are told to lay up treasures in Heaven and not on Earth. Those who are so involved in the world’s activities have no interest in God’s activities.

What can one do if they see their heart hardening toward God?

  1. Tell Him you are sorry in prayer and ask for forgiveness. Ask Him to help you have a heart full of compassion and love. Continue daily to ask God to help you stay away from a hardened heart.
  2. Start obeying God and follow His will. Be a loving family member, friend, neighbor, brother or sister in the Lord. Be full of kindness, mercy and love and practice it daily.

When you are busy seeking the kingdom first, your heart will have no time to be hardened. The spiritual exercise of loving others will help keep your heart in a condition where hardendness will be far from it. Remember to always keep guard on your heart because at any time it can begin to harden.