Summer Temptations
The summer months bring us warmer temperatures, pleasant skies, more outdoor activity, but with these blessings come certain temptations that are not faced to the same degree at other times of the year. The first of these temptations is to dress immodestly. One’s first impression of another will be by their dress. In 1 Timothy 2:9 we see the seriousness of dressing in a Godly manner. (In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel . . ) Some clothes are immodest. We as Christians must with Bible study, prayer, and thoughtful consideration determine which clothes are modest or immodest.
Let’s consider today’s swimsuits. Whether it is a man in his swimming trunks or a woman in a one or two piece suit - Are they modest? With all the body that is left uncovered, my question is, “If a swimsuit is modest, what is immodest?” Can a child of God be dressed in a swimsuit in the public arena and be an example of a Godly individual?
What about short dresses and shorts? The Bible doesn’t give us a definite length that is allowable for Christians to wear. One must come to the determination with the goal of not dressing in any way to cause someone to stumble (sin) in their thoughts or actions. If one must ask themselves if their dress is too short or too tight, then probably the answer is yes, they are immodest. The same would go for shorts, whether they are on men or women.
Remember, the Christian’s standard of dress is not the same as the world’s. It is not what is in with other kids. It is not what is acceptable to other parents. It is not what society says looks good. Modesty is what God would approve of. He leaves His guidelines in His word in 1 Peter 3:3-4, Matt 5:28 and Matt. 18:6-7.
Parents, help your children to see the seriousness of their dress. Be an example in your dress.